What is Our CRP?
CRP is an 8-week training program for Knoxville’s young adults between the ages of 18 and 24. This program welcomes and pays at-risk youth to build life skills, job skills, and placement skills that will equip them for a better future.
Volunteer opportunities to help with our CRP program include providing lunches for students or facilitating a class. Call us or send us an email to find out how you can plug in!
How We Deliver.
CRP classes are three days a week. We recruit instructors from a variety of professional backgrounds to teach skills to help sustain young adults for a lifetime.
Content includes, but is not limited to: financial literacy skills, resume writing, professional business attire education, job aptitude tests, workplace behavior skills, and professional networking.
SEEED’s own board members, business partners, and staff often volunteer to teach and provide real-life examples and first-hand experience.
CRP Graduates Of Fall 2023
Amajanah Rader
Sarah Hewitt
Dorothy Cantrell
Annabelle Williams
Chris Jones
Tyrell Ward
Shamon Lewis