SEEED, Socially Equal Energy Efficient Development, is a registered 501(c)3 located in the heart of East Knoxville. SEEED was founded in 2009 as a response to growing community concerns about gun violence, lack of youth opportunities, and unaffordable utility and housing burdens. SEEED seeks to provide pathways out of poverty for young adults through career readiness training, environmental education and community engagement.
SEEED provides pathways out of poverty for young adults through career readiness training, environmental education, and community engagement.
SEEED builds healthy regenerative communities in which we all thrive, beginning with ourselves.
“Put some S.P.E.C. on it!”
Personal Development
Our featured program is the Career Readiness Program, where we recruit young adults primarily 18-24 and host an 8 week program that teaches life skills, job skills, and placement skills. This program feeds our 4 week Community Engagement and Green Construction Bootcamps, where we provide intensive on-the-job training for young adults to gain employment in our community engagement department or green construction department.
We are located in the Morningside Community Center and engage with Knoxville’s underserved communities and individuals through Community Engagement initiatives. Community Engagement is one of SEEED’s social enterprises. Community engagement specialists go out in the community to bring valuable information on resources and gather information to bring to partner organizations. SEEED serves as a liaison between government/community organizations and community members that may not have access to them otherwise.
SEEED recently created the social enterprise of green construction; a venture into the world of affordable, innovative, energy-efficient homes created for low-income families. Currently SEEED is in the process of selling the “mustard seed house,” where a solar-powered, energy-efficient home was built in the Lonsdale community and sold to a low-income family to create generational wealth and pathways out of poverty for community members.
Meet the Board
Jarman Watts
Board Chair
Andrew Jackson
Finance Committee Chair
Leon Christion
Program Committee Chair -
Tyronza Carson
Development Committee Chair
Rick Blackburn
Fundraising Committee Chair
Kayla Buchanan
Business Development Committee Co-Chair