Our Partners
We at SEEED are blessed to have assembled some professionals who are amongst the best in the nation in the field of energy efficiency home and village building.
We wanted to give a special thank you to Randy Boyd and the Boyd Family Foundation. They helped provide major funding for the solar houses we are building.
Knoxville Habitat For Humanity (KHFH) collaborated with us on the Mustard SEEED House project. KHFH helped us with all the interior framing, assembling trusses, installing sheathing, etc. KHFH have expressed an interest in keeping this collaboration going on for many, many projects.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has provided us with resources and technical support that are found in the TVA Energy Right Program.
Don Horton, RA, LEED, BC + C, EB O + M Founder & CEO of Horton Built Environments Consulting. He drew up the blueprint, created the sustainable and regenerative solutions for this award winning Mustard SEEED house.
Mustard SEEED House
Bruce Glanville is a RESNET Certified Home Energy Rater, USGBC LEED for Homes “Green Rater” , Certified Building Performance Institute (BPI) Building Analyst, and Certified Building Performance Institute (BPI) Envelope Professional. Bruce is the founder of Energy Home Basics (EHB). EHB is a certified energy rater and the go-to home performance expert in the greater Knoxville area. Bruce has tested nearly 1,000 homes and works seamlessly with builders, contractors, and homeowners to create healthy, ultra-efficient homes and buildings. Bruce was the 2014 President of the Technical Society of Knoxville, TN, and the recipients of the 2015 USGBC Weatherization Leadership Award. He’s also an ENERGY STAR partner and a member of the US Green Building Council. Bruce who performed the blower door test for the Mustard SEEED house said,
“This house had one of the lowest scores I have ever ever seen.”
Scott Noethan is the owner of Appalachian Renewable Resources (ARS). ARS is certified through the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) Solar PV Installation Professional Certification. Appalachian Renewable Resources is approved by the State of Tennessee Specialized Solar Contractors License.
ARS was started by Scott Noethan in early 2010. The vision, at the time, was to incorporate solar, hydro, and wind resources in addition to sustainable and efficient building techniques to provide freelance consultation to anyone interested in incorporating those ideas into their building design. From 2010 until present, Scott has placed a personal emphasis on acquiring proper education and certification, which is a never-ending process. During the course of the past six years, Scott has been involved in the installation and maintenance of over 1MW of solar energy throughout Tennessee and Virginia.
Scott will be training our students in the solar installation process, along with designing and installing power systems that rival the best in the market.
Chuck Parks owner of Park’s ICF has helped train our students in the installation of the ICF walls that envelope the structure, making the Mustard SEEED house one of the safest, healthiest, and energy efficient houses in America.
Ready Mix USA (CEMEX) collaborated with us in using the most advanced concrete mixing techniques and materials that are purposefully designed to reduce the carbon monoxide emission.
Leonard Knight, CEO of Neighborhood Nerds, will give the Mustard SEED home a smart & innovative makeover. This will allow the house to propel the homeowner into high technology and cutting edge automation.
Native Plant Rescue Squad is a 501(c)(3) organization & educational organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of the rich diversity of native flora in East Tennessee. They work with builders, developers and land owners, to rescue native plants that would otherwise be destroyed during building and development. Then they make the rescued plants available for residential and commercial landscaping, with the goal of increasing the overall ecological health of our region.